ISRAEL21c Headlines and Exclusives for Week of May 19, 2008
Released on: May 22, 2008, 8:53 am
Press Release Author: ISRAEL21c
Industry: Healthcare
Press Release Summary: Learning languages could keep you mentally fit, reports ISRAEL21c. Also in the news: the world's first natural preservative; 3-minute root canal disinfectant, and a new $75m cleantech fund.
Press Release Body: Cupertino, CA; May 19, 2008 - News website ISRAEL21c reports that new research suggests people who speak several languages throughout life are likely to be clearer-minded and more mentally fit in old age than their monolingual counterparts.
Other headlines and exclusives this week in ISRAEL21c: a citrus extract that could be the world's first natural preservative; a new 3-minute system to help dentists clean out infections associated with root canal; and Israel\'s first cleantech VC fund raises $75 million.
For these and other stories about Israeli innovation and advancement in technology, healthcare and medicine, culture and more, visit
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ISRAEL21c - - is a non-political, non-profit news organization organized under the laws of California that works with existing institutions and the media to inform about 21st century Israel, its people, its institutions and its contributions to global society. ISRAEL21c creates, aggregates and broadly disseminates high-quality information to the public about the Israel that exists beyond the pervasive imagery of conflict that characterizes so much of western media reporting. ISRAEL21c reports and provides journalists with story ideas and resources about the 21st century Israel - the Israel that adds value to life around the world every day. ISRAEL21c can: - Arrange interviews and recommend sources - Provide story ideas or packages - Help identify angles and ideas relevant to target markets and audience For more information:
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